We love working with the local farmers which is why most produce from our restaurant is purchased locally. Using local farms has numerous benefits; it builds a sense of community and supports our local economy, among many others. Why is using local farms beneficial? 1. Farmland benefits the environment and wildlife by protecting water systems,…
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11 Foods to Keep You Healthy Through the Holidays
The holiday season is here! That means crazy shopping, colder temperatures, and an increase of germs- which also means colds are imminent. With flu season coming in strong, we have compiled a list of ways to naturally stay healthy all season long. Incorporating ingredients like lemon, ginger, garlic, and apple cider vinegar into your daily intake…
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Get Local
A driving force behind LUK is to create and contribute to a thriving, health conscious community. Supporting local vendors, local farmers, and local artists we believe in growing our community within our community. That is why we consistently support local farms and work with them to deliver the best products for you! Wondering what’s local…
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What is Acaí?
Have you been hearing about the food acaí lately but have no idea what it is or how to say it? Acaí (ah-sigh-ee) is a berry harvested from acaí palm trees in the Amazon and is rich in antioxidants, much like a blueberry. While this berry has been popular in California for a number of…
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